Customer Solutions Consultant

Customer Solutions Consultant

So much casual (and occasionally weirdly aggressive) ableism in this job listing. Also, the video on their careers page is 1) a product sales pitch, and 2) all dudes. Is the entire leadership team just dudes?

Spiff | $75,000-$108,000

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Steph's Notes:

So much casual (and occasionally weirdly aggressive) ableism in this job listing:

We are looking for intelligent, analytical people with solid interpersonal skills for this role.

As opposed to what, rude dummies?

Highly analytical thinker with an innate ability to mentally map complex systems.

Must be able to re-enact the Sherlock mind palace scene on queue!

Professional, Reliable

I am DEEPLY curious about the kind of candidates they've gotten that they feel the need to specify these extremely basic qualities. How low is their bar?

The video on their careers page is 1) a product sales pitch, and 2) all dudes. Is the entire leadership team just dudes?

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