I am immediately suspicious of companies that in one breath brag about how great a workplace they are and then, in the next, make it clear that they are only being transparent about salary because they are legally required to in NY, CO, or CA. Honestly, it's fucking laughable.
Seems like a pretty straightforward onboarding role, with the usual startup suspects ("fun" team, fast-paced environment, adapt to change/challenges, let's do the time warp again). Nothing too concerning, and the pay is good for an early-career gig.
Overall, though, this job seems pretty straightforward, the benefits are fine, and the pay is good for a fairly entry-level remote role. Nice to see a solid Eh, It's Probably Fine for this week's issue.
While this feels like it could be a young company still trying to figure out its culture and hiring practices, there are still some red flags that are hard to ignore, so I think it still belongs in Tread Carefully.
It seems like a pretty straightforward Director role, but this is one of those times where playing Bad Job Bingo is more an art than a science because I'm getting a weird vibe from this job description.
Seems like an interesting role that doesn't come up often. We have the usual suspects ("fast-paced, dynamic environment," hello darkness, my old friend), but otherwise, nothing especially worrisome.
The difference is that this role is pretty entry-level and offers an avenue for folks in hospitality-based customer service roles to transition into a remote tech support role, gaining valuable startup experience in the meantime.
Not much to say about this one except that I'm irritated this leadership role is salaried and more adequately compensated while the frontline roles are not. That's some bullshit, Ramp.
I take back everything I said about positive culture signals at Robinhood. It's enough to make you ask yourself: What would Robin Hood do in this situation?
I think they're asking this role to do a lot of things, and unless they're hiring more than one person through this listing, I'm worried about the long-term success and energy of whoever ends up in it.
Assuming this isn't just for show and they really are rewarding existing employee work and loyalty, it seems like a green flag to me. Overall, this is a clear job description and I see nothing but positive culture signals, so I'm throwing this in Green Means Go!
The role itself seems fine, but the salary range is very wide, and the low end is way too low for a Lead role (especially at a company like Netflix). I don't think that's enough to put it in Tread Carefully, but I would ask about it if I were a candidate.
Seems fine, very corporate, but they're honest about that. Benefits are fine; pay is mostly okay – I think the low end is a little too low for a senior role, but not so low that it's a major flag.
Seems good! No major flags and the benefits are great. Salary seems a little on the low side for a Senior Customer Success Manager, but if it's just a base salary with commission, it could be great.