Customer Experience Team Lead
While this feels like it could be a young company still trying to figure out its culture and hiring practices, there are still some red flags that are hard to ignore, so I think it still belongs in Tread Carefully.
Didn’t quite hit bingo, but there were several yellow flags or more than one red flag.
While this feels like it could be a young company still trying to figure out its culture and hiring practices, there are still some red flags that are hard to ignore, so I think it still belongs in Tread Carefully.
It seems like a pretty straightforward Director role, but this is one of those times where playing Bad Job Bingo is more an art than a science because I'm getting a weird vibe from this job description.
I'm surprised that they provide a salary range for their frontline role but not for this manager role. The way the bullet is phrased makes me wonder if it's a genuine, accidental oversight, but regardless – the lack of salary transparency means this has to go into Tread Carefully.
Not much to say about this one except that I'm irritated this leadership role is salaried and more adequately compensated while the frontline roles are not. That's some bullshit, Ramp.
I don't know about Miami, but $46.8K – $55K is shitty pay for a non-entry-level fintech support role in New York, even if it's remote.
Overall, there are positive culture signals for the company, but I'm concerned that this position will be stretched too thin to provide the leadership and mentorship Robinhood wants to see, and there's some scope creep I'd ask about as an interviewee.
Maybe it's just me, but it feels like they're asking this Director position to do a lot. It almost reads as if they asked ChatGPT for a Director of Support & Ops job description and then didn't whittle it down at all to fit this specific role.
Y'all, the noise I made when I saw "CX Director, MeUndies" in the #jobs channel in ElevateCX. WOOOOOOOOOO. Okay, for real. I can do this. I am a serious professional.
I don't know, y'all; my spidey sense is tingling with this one. It could be nothing, but just...tread very carefully.
*MC voice* Ladies, gentlemen, and variations thereupon: here we have the latest and greatest in corporate employee management: Sparring sessions! For when verbally berating your employees just isn't enough. The beatings will continue until performance improves.
Not being clear about salary upfront wastes everyone's time and demonstrates a lack of respect for a candidate's experience. (This is true regardless of where in the world the role is based.) All that to say: show me the money, Airbnb.
Would be in Eh, It's Probably Fine if not for the lack of salary transparency. It's your own fault, Airbnb.
Boo, no salary transparency. Companies should always be transparent, not just when they have to be! I expected better from you, Airbnb.
Overall, it's pretty clear they're looking for a discount manager, which is enough to put this in Tread Carefully.
I think it would probably be fine, except there's no salary transparency, so into Tread Carefully it goes. Womp Womp.
These companies do know that no one's forcing them to build their cultures 20,000 leagues under the sea, right? Come out of the water. It's nicer up here.
No salary transparency and some interesting culture signals put this in Tread Carefully.
Well, we're certainly building a narrative here, aren't we?
Man, I really want to put this in Eh, It's Probably Fine, but alas, they claim a competitive salary without then sharing the salary. So – well, you know how this ends.
It's our job as leadership to create an environment of respect for our customer support teams among our customers. If things are so bad that you have to specify "professional resilience" in your candidates, that's a failure of leadership and the company, not in potential candidates.
I understand that it's customary for there not to be salary transparency in international roles, but I refuse to excuse companies simply because they're not required to have it, *especially* when they claim to offer competitive salaries.
This role has the same weird (and ableist) culture signals as the other roles from this company. Also, there's no salary transparency and the application asks for your target comp range, so into Tread Carefully it goes.
This role has the same weird (and ableist) culture signals as the other roles at this company. And while there is salary transparency here (likely due to state laws requiring it, which is also a culture signal), the application asks for your target comp range, so into Tread Carefully it goes.
This role has the same weird (and ableist) culture signals as the other Manager roles. Also, there's no salary transparency and the application asks for your target comp range, so into Tread Carefully it goes.